Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tech Tests

My first tech test was to find out if buildings could be created underwater and also to see if they could hold out the water. I found a great tutorial on the internet which helped me to accomplish this. Here is the link: Add Image

Creating the structure underwater was simple enough but creating the visarea and portals was quite difficult as the portals had to be placed precisely inside the walls so you could actually see through it, which is described in the tutorial.

Here is the main building that has been constructed under the water.

This is a screenshot of the solids being edited and where the visareas and portals will be placed

This is looking at the finished building from the outside

And this is an inside perspective

For my second tech test I wanted to find out if sea life was createable and if it was possible to make some relistic sea evironments. Sandbox 2 already has some pre-loaded sea life that u can simply add to your maps. You simply create an entity and label it e.g fish. You can then place it in your map and adjust certain attributes such as how many you want there to be, what model of fish, size etc. There is also underwater vegetation that can help to create relistic environments.
Creating an entity for crabs

Adjusted entity values to create more fish
After adding vegetation and sealife to create an underwater environment

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